
Institute news

  • Monthly Economic Monitoring of Ukraine No. 224


    The IER has released the new issue of the Macroeconomic Monitoring of Ukraine (MEMU), which outlines key figures, trends, and events of August 2023.

    According to the current forecast of the IER, prepared under the support of Berlin Economics, real GDP will grow by 4.1% in 2023.

    For 2024, the recovery rate is expected at 5.5%, assuming active hostilities will cease in the middle of the year, international financial assistance will continue, and seaports will resume operation.

    In August, consumer inflation slowed down to 8.6% yoy returned to a single-digit level for the first time in more than two years and amounted to.

    In August, electricity imports (commercial and emergency assistance) increased by 57.6% to 115.6 thousand MWh. At the same time, exports remained minimal. The end of the heat wave in early September allowed Ukraine to resume electricity exports during surplus hours.



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