

The Institute for Economic Research and Policy Consulting was founded in October 1999 by top-ranking Ukrainian politicians and the German Advisory Group on Economic Reforms in Ukraine, the latter being a part of Germany's TRANSFORM programme. At the end of 2009 the IER celebrated 10th Anniversary.

This was the period of organizing and establishing the Institute as a research institution of a new type for Ukraine. During this period the Institute’s main tasks were providing public authorities and politicians with impartial analysis of the Ukrainian economy and economic policies along with developing analytical capacity of Ukrainian researchers and creating a resource base for conducting researches and consulting.  The German Advisory Group on Economic Reforms played a special role at that stage. A team of young Ukrainian economists, graduates at Ukrainian universities, had been adopting experience and practices of German colleagues: how to conduct research of economic policy, how to provide advice to decision-makers in a most efficient way.

This was the period of strength and stability tests for the Institute. The German technical assistance programme TRANSFORM ended. We faced the challenge of searching for our place in the market of advisory services. Main objective in that period was to find our own niche in the market of advisory services and new stable sources of financing, without loosing our essential skills and preserving the principle of impartiality in our work. At this time we offered the society a new instrument of control and influence on the government – monitoring of government’s decisions carried out by a consortium of independent analytical centres. Professor Igor Burakovsky who made important efforts for ensuring the Institute’s development in new conditions took the leadership of the Institute.

2007- until now:
This is the phase of the Institute’s active development and strengthening its role as an independent policy think tank. The main goal of this period was and remains acquisition of new knowledge and skills for further improving our work and extending the area of expertise. We launched research activities in new areas and mastered new methods of research, learnt to disseminate information in a more efficient way, acquired experience in implementing projects in the area of economic policy responding not only to the question “what to do” but also to “how to organize fulfilling of tasks”.  A systemic work with business community had been initiated – we offered to business partners a package containing economic information, analysis of situations and forecasts which are necessary for planning and conducting activities.

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The Institute
for Economic Research
and Policy Consulting
Reytarska 8/5-À,
01054 Kyiv, Ukraine
+ 38 044 278-63-42
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+ 38 044 278-63-36
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