
Project "Ukraine’s economy during the wartime and emergency support to Ukrainians affected by the war"

Project title: Ukraine’s economy during wartime and emergency support to Ukrainians affected by the war.

Objective of the project: Emergency supporting and developing the short and medium to long-term capacity building of Ukrainian CSOs and Think Tanks affected by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

Summary of the project: Through advocacy activities focusing both on the immediate impact of the war and the future of Ukraine alongside the implementation of emergency support for Ukrainian CSOs and medium to long-term capacity building, this project aims at developing a stronger Ukrainian civil society to thwart the negative impacts of the invasion. 

Project objectives: 

  1. Facilitation of discussion the future of Ukraine and the current economic situation based on research and analysis for CSOs, national and local government, and academic actors 
  2. Developing and support of Ukrainian civil society through analytical activities, in particular reporting on the economic situation of Ukraine 
  3. Provision of emergency support for Ukrainian CSOs so that they can continue their activities 


  1. Analytics: bi-weekly publications of the Economic Monitoring of Ukraine; quarterly policy papers; grants to regional think tanks for the elaboration of policy papers/briefs 
  2. Advocacy: quarterly public debates on the future of Ukraine; expansion of Telegram channels about the economy of Ukraine 
  3. Emergency fund: grants to organizations providing emergency aid, and support to IDPs and Ukrainian citizens affected by war 

Project timeline: 1 November 2022 – 31 January 2024  

Donor: IREX Europe doing business as ERIM 

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