In order to reach the targets of the German federal government and the EU in the field of renewable energy by 2020, international cooperation and cooperation on sustainable production and use of biofuels need to be strengthened. Especially Eastern Europe and Central Asia are marked by favourable growing conditions and so far untapped bioenergy potentials. By implementing the cultivation and use of renewable resources for both materials and energy - e.g. in the Russian Federation and Ukraine, and with the use of German know-how and a targeted technology transfer - an important contribution can be made towards the mobilisation of these potentials and resulting positive effects for the global environment.
With this background, a collaborative project of the Federal Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection (BMELV, funding) and the GFA (management) on the subject: "Promoting the use of renewable resources - with a focus on energy use - in the Ukraine and the Russian Federation" was launched on 01.01.2009.
With this project, the Agency for Renewable Resources (FNR) supports the production and use of renewable resources with a focus on bioenergy in the Ukraine and the Russian Federation by way of consulting and networking services.
The first stage of the project was from January 01, 2009 to December 31, 2010. The second phase started on January 01, 2010 and will last till December 31, 2013.
The objectives of the project are:
- Improvement of energy supply by using renewable resources and waste for energy purposes with positive impact on rural areas, reduction of negative impact of agriculture and forestry on Ukraine’s environment.
- Support the creation of framework in Ukraine for practical implementation of specific projects in bioenergy sector with multiplicative nature through consultations and networking.
- Involvement of other relevant multipliers, private sector, industry and government in networking, providing policy advice on the topics: sustainable energy supply and bioenergy.
- Identification of ‘pilot’ projects in the bioenergy sector, which may be indicative and show multiplicative synergy effect. Cooperation with national and international projects and institutions in preparation and implementation of selected projects.
The main goal of the second phase of this project is, first of all, development of internal framework conditions for establishment sustainable bioenergy supply system for remote rural areas in Ukraine.
The work of the project involves, among other, provision of expertise in the following areas:
- Establishment of national bioenergy network that will provide consulting and information services on capacity utilization in Ukraine advanced technologies in bioenergy.
- Capacity building professionals and executives both in public and private sector so that they apply tailored technical information and technologies in specific projects in Ukraine
- Development of a national framework conditions for sustainable and decentralized production and use of renewable energy in Ukraine.
- Development of activities in standardization and quality assurance of renewable energy in accordance with EU requirements and international sustainability criteria for renewable resources
- Development of proposals for the implementation of state promotion mechanisms for renewable energy and bioenergy aimed at replacement of fossil energy resources in Ukraine.
- Consultations of government officials, Parliament and Government in matters of building necessary political and legal framework for bioenergy use in Ukraine.
- Establish an efficient network of relevant stakeholders (investors, equipment manufacturers, service providers in rural areas, banks and politicians, etc.).
Project news
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