
Population welfare

  • 22.03.2018

    Monthly Economic Monitor Ukraine No.3 (209)

    Highlight: GAS MARKET
    Late February was marked by the victory celebration at the Ukrainian gas market as Ukrainian Naftogaz won the case on gas transit against the Russian Gazprom at the Stockholm Arbitrage Court. Together with almost USD 2 bn that the Naftogaz owes the Gazprom in the gas case, the Naftogaz net win is USD 2.6 bn. However, already on March 1, 2018, Russia used the same tactic against Ukraine as it did in 2009: refusing to supply gas to the country. Ukraine faced gas shortage.
    Authors:  ²ðèíà Êîññå, Îëåêñàíäðà Áåòë³é

  • 27.02.2018

    Better access to the healthcare: is it possible in Ukraine?

    During many years, healthcare system remained one of the least reformed in Ukraine. Quality of healthcare was going down and the system was mired in corruption and unofficial payments. Ukrainians often complain about costs of healthcare services and medicines. As a result, the necessity of healthcare reform was clear, but there was no agreement on the best path forward.
    Category:  Articles

  • Welfare through sustainable grows of salary

    To prepare a joint analytical study of the following sections: "Social Partnership and Its Features in Ukraine", “Specific Features of Wage Forming at Ukraine’s Large Enterprises”, "Impact of Trade Policy on Labor Markets”.
    Category:  Projects

  • 26.05.2010

    Straw is our future!

    10-23 of May, 2010 the researcher of German-Ukrainian Policy Dialogue in Agriculture Anna Kuznetsova was learning German experience of using straw.
    Category:  Articles

  • 01.04.2010

    Near Collapse. The Pension and Welfare System

    The social security systems of Ukraine barely protect the contributors from the loss of income caused by age, illness, or unemployment. The contributions for social insurance are high, the benefits, however, are small.
    Category:  Articles

  • 03.10.2009

    Top Grain 2009

    On October 3 on the eve of the “Agritechnica 2009” the International congress “Top Grain 2009” took place in Kyiv, Khreschtchatyk 2, “Ukrainsky Dim”. Dr. Heinz-W. Strubenhoff was invited by «DYKUN global consult» - the organizators of this event.
    Category:  Articles

  • 29.09.2009

    Conference «Biomass for Energy»

    On September 22-23 the Fifth International Conference «Biomass for Energy» took place in Kyiv. Plenty of important and interesting questions were discussed there. The representatives of different foreign and Ukrainian organizations tried to demonstrate tendencies, possibilities and prospects in this sphere to the audience. Anna Kuznetsova explained currently relevant question of investment attractiveness of biogas production in Ukraine. Her presentation «Is it profitable to produce biogas in Ukraine?» was focused on the estimation of profitability for investors of biogas production at the plants of electrical capacity 0.5, 1 and 3 MW/h from silage corn, pig and cattle manure and chicken dung.
    Category:  Articles

  • 14.09.2009

    Visit of the chief editor of the German newspaper „agrarzeitung/ernarungsdienst“

    During the visit of the chief editor of the German newspaper „agrarzeitung/ernarungsdienst“ from September 3 to 9, the project «German-Ukrainian Policy Dialogue in Agriculture» headed by Dr. Heinz-Wilhelm Strubenhoff organized a familiarization tour involving leading Ukrainian and international agribusiness investors and traders.
    Category:  Articles

  • 01.09.2009

    Foreign Policy Spectrum ¹6

    This publication is available only in Ukrainian.
    Authors:  Ðàçäîðîæíèé ªâãåí³é, Øèíêàðóê Êàòåðèíà

  • Social Policy: Assessment of the Social and Economic Consequences of the Restructuring Process in Coal Sector

    To assess social and economic consequences of the coal industry restructuring.
    Category:  Projects

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