The Institute expects real GDP of Ukraine (including Crimea) to drop by 3.5% in 2014. However, risks remain high as Russian annexation of Crimea and Russian-provoked unrest in the Eastern, make Ukraine’s future highly uncertain.
Real GDP is expected to grow at 4.3% in 2010 and 4.9% in 2011 with potential for revision of estimates of its components.
According to the preliminary estimate of the Derzhkomstat, the real GDP contraction in the third quarter of 2009 decelerated to 15.9% yoy.
HIGHLIGHT OF THE MONTH: Twelve months of banking crisis
The Institute forecasts the real GDP growth at 3.4% in 2010. The growth is mainly explained by statistical base effect.
We have already passed the "bottom" of the fall. We will get "plus" in the basic scenario in 2010 despite all the problems. GDP growth will be triggered by the economic activity of the metallurgists, the chemists, and in agriculture.