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Financial markets
To perform a comparative analysis of anti-crisis measures taken by the Government of Ukraine and other countries.
To study the impact of trade policy on human development in Ukraine.
To facilitate discussion among experts and government officials concerning Ukraine’s anti-crisis policy and determine adequate mechanisms and instruments under Ukrainian conditions to minimise negative consequences of the crisis by monitoring global economic trends and analysis of economic policies undertaken by different countries.
To provide a basic overview of the dynamics of economic transformation processes of Ukraine for the period of 1990-2006; to forecast the period of 2007 – 2015 regarding Ukraine’s development paths and structural reforms.
to develop the mechanisms for compensation of devalued savings of citizens; to estimate the impact of their implementation; to develop recommendations to the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine on the practical implementation of the suggestions.
To facilitate the preparation of a Coalition Agreement the parliamentary factions by presenting proposals as to the text of the coalition agreement.

- © 2020
- The Institute
for Economic Research
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- Reytarska 8/5-À,
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